
K80 GPUs are ignored

fshriver opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
For 19.09, tensorflow appears to ignore K80 GPUs due to them having a compute capability of 3.7. Specifically, the message returned by tensorflow is:

Ignoring visible gpu device (device: 0, name: Tesla K80, compute capability: 3.7) with Cuda compute capability 3.7. The minimum required Cuda capability is 6.0.

To Reproduce

  1. Pull image down.
  2. Start container.
  3. From shell run python3
  4. Once inside python session, run import tensorflow as tf and then tf.test.gpu_device_name()

Expected behavior
Expect it to identify the K80s and attach to them, especially as the tensorflow GPU page lists hardware requirements as being only compute capability 3.5 or above (


Client (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [Linux]
  • Browser [N/A]

Container Version

Additional context
I'm confused on whether this is a tensorflow issue or a specific container issue, since tensorflow does not seem to indicate they've removed support for K80s.

tlkh commented

Hello, K80 is not supported for this container.

Supported compute capability are:

  • 6.0 (P100)
  • 6.1 (GTX 10XX)
  • 7.0 (V100)
  • 7.5 (RTX 20XX)

Ah, alright. Might I suggest adding a 'Supported compute capabilities' tab under the FAQ then? Just a thought, but otherwise I'm closing this issue.