
powermetrics: unrecognized order: /tmp/asitop_powermetrics1638952131

Jhpson opened this issue · 1 comments

Can't run in M1 MacBook pro and display as below:

eric@Macintosh bin % sudo ./asitop
ASITOP - Performance monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon
You can update ASITOP by running pip install asitop --upgrade
Get help at
P.S. You are recommended to run ASITOP with sudo asitop

[1/3] Loading ASITOP

[2/3] Starting powermetrics process

[3/3] Waiting for first reading...

powermetrics: unrecognized order: /tmp/asitop_powermetrics1638952131
Usage: powermetrics [-d] [-i sample_interval] [-o order] [-t wakeup_cost]

So please solve it ASAP, thanks.

xros commented

@ardacoskunses I still have this problem after grading to the latest verion of asitop. M1 MacBook Pro, MacOS 11.6.5, Python3 (arm64) from miniconda

asitop only works on Apple Silicon Macs on macOS Monterey!

Though it is claimed to support macOS 12(Monterey) only. Please add support for M1 running on macOS 11.