
Issues with running in MacOS Ventura Beta

xiaoqianWX-alt opened this issue · 4 comments

% sudo asitop

ASITOP - Performance monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon
You can update ASITOP by running pip install asitop --upgrade
Get help at
P.S. You are recommended to run ASITOP with sudo asitop

[1/3] Loading ASITOP

[2/3] Starting powermetrics process

[3/3] Waiting for first reading...

Assertion failed: (num_resids == (uint32_t)IOReportStateGetCount(sample)), function read_cluster_power_stats_sample, file cpu_power_arm.c, line 245.

I have exactly the same problem, and I'm also running asitop in MacOS Ventura Beta.
Hope the developer can solve the issue...

@xiaoqianWX @samuelhe864 This is an issue with the command asitop calls, powermetrics; not asitop itself. I can tell as the error ties to the IOReport (a private api used by powermetrics) and a file called cpu_power_arm.c (a part of powermetrics).

This issue is nothing the developer can fix and is a problem with macOS/IOReport.

% sudo asitop Password:

ASITOP - Performance monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon You can update ASITOP by running pip install asitop --upgrade Get help at P.S. You are recommended to run ASITOP with sudo asitop

[1/3] Loading ASITOP

[2/3] Starting powermetrics process

[3/3] Waiting for first reading...

Assertion failed: (num_resids == (uint32_t)IOReportStateGetCount(sample)), function read_cluster_power_stats_sample, file cpu_power_arm.c, line 245.

@xiaoqianWX @samuelhe864 This is an issue with the command asitop calls, powermetrics; not asitop itself. I can tell as the error ties to the IOReport (a private api used by powermetrics) and a file called cpu_power_arm.c (a part of powermetrics).

This issue is nothing the developer can fix and is a problem with macOS/IOReport.

This has now been fixed in the latest beta update and is now working correctly

Happened again with Sonoma beta, really wondering what is Apple doing with powermetrics

(MacBook Pro 16 M2 Pro)

Assertion failed: (num_resids == (uint32_t)IOReportStateGetCount(sample)), function read_cluster_power_stats_sample, file cpu_power_arm.m, line 256.

some extra lines there 👀