
not working on M1 Mac Mini

bveiseh opened this issue · 13 comments

`user@Mac-Mini ~ % asitop

ASITOP - Performance monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon
You can update ASITOP by running pip install asitop --upgrade
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P.S. You are recommended to run ASITOP with sudo asitop

[1/3] Loading ASITOP

[2/3] Starting powermetrics process

[3/3] Waiting for first reading...

powermetrics: unrecognized sampler: bandwidth`

everything is up to date

This is an issue specifically related to the macos ventura beta, right?

Are you running it?

Yeah beta 7

M1 Pro on macOS Ventura beta (22A5358e) also get the same error

M1 Air on macOS 13.0 beta (22A5365d) also gets the same error.

Me too. M1 Air on macOS 13.0 22a5365d.

Xaiat commented

Me too. M1 air on macOS 13.0

These samplers were removed with Ventura. Bandwidth is what’s giving the error. Asitop has to remove it to get it working again.

    int_sources       interrupt sources information
    devices           device power states
   *bandwidth         amc bandwidth counters

It does add ane_power though. It was previously guesstimating the “neural engine” usage so that can be improved.

    ane_power         ane power and frequency info

These samplers were removed with Ventura. Bandwidth is what’s giving the error. Asitop has to remove it to get it working again.

    int_sources       interrupt sources information
    devices           device power states
   *bandwidth         amc bandwidth counters

It does add ane_power though. It was previously guesstimating the “neural engine” usage so that can be improved.

    ane_power         ane power and frequency info

I was just wondering why Apple removed this, and whether we can get that data somewhere else.

Still a problem on latest RC macOS 13.0 (22A380). M1 Ultra

Is there a way to fix this?

Hi All,
I hope this adds to the conversation. I am running a 2021 MacBook Pro M1 Ventura and ran into the same issue.

To piggy back off of @SuperKenVery , with the M1, there were various features that were removed; this being one of them.

If you can get by with activity levels for CPU/GPU, here is a good answer that will give lots of relevant data.

Happy Hacking!

@oconnorir Thanks for the link, but I don’t think it solves our problem because what we are lacking is the memory bandwidth information…