
CPU load reflects only one core

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, first of all thanks for this awesome utility.

I noticed something weird when running grep : it said my P-CPU usage was 100% whereas grep was only loading a single P-core (I confirmed this with Activity it seems like the P-CPU usage only reflects a single core.

I am not sure if it is meant to be that way, but imo the better information would be total P-CPU usage, not single core usage.

Could you please check this ? (It may also apply to E-CPU usage, didn't try)

Thanks for your help keep it up :)

tlkh commented

This is due to the reporting in powermetrics, it sometimes (for some reason) reports the residency in the entire P0 or P1 CPU cluster to be 100% although only 1 core is loaded.

I am planning to manually computing the actual usage from the individual residency values of each individual core, but I havent got around to doing that yet.

This is due to the reporting in powermetrics, it sometimes (for some reason) reports the residency in the entire P0 or P1 CPU cluster to be 100% although only 1 core is loaded.

I am planning to manually computing the actual usage from the individual residency values of each individual core, but I havent got around to doing that yet.

Consider using psutil.cpu_times() for this metric?

Still an issue for me. E-CPU and P-CPU usages are 100% all the time. GPU and ANE are fine.

Same here