
invalid powermetrics option specified

splicedwdm opened this issue · 2 comments

After installing and running asitop, I receive the following output:

(base) aarcross@Aarons-MacBook-Pro ~ % asitop

[1/3] Loading ASITOP

[2/3] Starting powermetrics process

[3/3] Waiting for first reading...

powermetrics: invalid option -- u
Usage: powermetrics [-i sample_interval] [-r order] [-t wakeup_cost]

Gather and display CPU usage statistics (divided into time spent in
user mode and supervisor mode), timer and interrupt wakeup frequency
(total and, for near-idle workloads, those that resulted in package
Machine model: MacBookPro18,1
OS version: 21A559
Boot arguments:
Boot time: Fri Oct 29 21:26:43 2021

Z0org commented

I solved the problem by changing the output_file_flag from -u to -o in line 49 in the file. I think there is some Problem with checking the Version of the OS system that is running.

I solved the problem by changing the output_file_flag from -u to -o in line 49 in the file. I think there is some Problem with checking the Version of the OS system that is running.

Thanks, this solved the issue for me, too!