
Go MSSQL Runner

Primary LanguageGo

MS SQL Server Runner

This is a small CLI app meant to integrate with a database of your choice to execute ".sql" files against it.
It the current integration is for Microsoft SQL Server.

At the moment I am using my own internal modules so it's not reusable, until I can publish those modules as well.
It will run SQL files in no particular order, so make sure you run sql chagnes that are not dependant on each other.


For interest sake I used :

  • Google's Go v.1.20.x
  • IntelliJ IDEA with Go Lang Plugin


Once you have the binary / executable based on the OS you can do the following to drive.
You will need a json configuration : "mssql-env-conf.json" inside a sub-folder named "configs"
So you you will end up having something like the folliwinig in your file system :


The json config structure is as follows :

    "environment": "dev",
    "username": "<dev-user>",
    "password": "<dev-pass>",
    "port": 1234,
    "host": "<dev-host>"

You drive this tool by running the executable file.

When doing so you need to supply two parameters

  • Environment Name : Which will match the "environment" field in the json file.
  • Directory Path : This is the folder where your ".sql" files are

Type something like the following on Unix Based systems :

./mssql-runner dev /<wherever>/<your>/<sql-files>/<are>

Windows OS systems

mssql-runner.exe dev /<wherever>/<your>/<sql-files>/<are>

You will then be presented with the following on your terminal

INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 You are about to execute SQL files in no particular order towards the : [ dev ] environment
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 The database details are as follows :
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 HOST : <dev-host>
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 PORT : 1234
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 USER : <dev-user>
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 PASSWORD : ( Yea right :) )
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 If this is correct, please type either : "Yes" to continue or "No" to stop the process.

Then you should type either "Yes" to continue or "No" to terminate

When you have confirmed then you will see something like :

INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 You are about to execute SQL files in no particular order towards the : [ dev ] environment
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 The database details are as follows :
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 HOST : <dev-host>
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 PORT : 1234
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 USER : <dev-user>
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 PASSWORD : ( Yea right :) )
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:09 If this is correct, please type either : "Yes" to continue or "No" to stop the process.
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:11 Found 1 SQL files
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:11 Connected to the database successfully!
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:11 Running SQL File : /<wherever>/<your>/<sql-files>/create-person-tables.sql
INFO  2023/07/20 09:49:11 Process complete

Finally you may go and verify your data on the database service to make sure things went fine.


This cli app is a used to execute SQL files towards your target database.