
Direction not showing up in Xcode simulator

jdevo2004 opened this issue · 1 comments

Edit: I have now tried using the example code in the Xcode ios emulator and it has the same issue, no directional heading.

The location marker and direction heading works perfect in Android Studio emulator but when I launch the ios emulator in Xcode there is a location marker but no direction heading. I wonder if I have done something wrong?

My code is the simplest implementation:

style: LocationMarkerStyle(

Here is my pubspec:

sdk: flutter

cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
flutter_map_tile_caching: ^9.0.0-dev.3
flutter_map_location_marker: any
url_launcher: any
flutter_map: any
latlong2: ^0.9.0
flutter_compass: any
geolocator: any

sdk: flutter
flutter_lints: ^2.0.0

Xcode does give me some errors for the following:
Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 8 17 58 PM

This is expected since Apple document states:

Hardware Differences

Though most of the functionality of devices can be simulated in Simulator, some hardware features must be tested directly on a device. The hardware features that are not simulated as of iOS 8.2 are:

  • Motion support (accelerometer and gyroscope) are unsupported.
  • ...