
removed from CRAN due to failing tests in R 3.6+

nhejazi opened this issue · 0 comments

At or around 6 March, CRAN maintainers sent notification of origami's unit tests failing due to a change in the default PRNG in R-devel (3.6 at the time). As of 22 April, the package has been removed from CRAN ( We should fix this ASAP.

Dear maintainer,

Please see the problems shown on

The check problems with current R-devel are from

     • The default method for generating from a discrete uniform
       distribution (used in sample(), for instance) has been changed.
       The previous method can be requested using RNGkind() or
       RNGversion() if necessary for reproduction of old results.

To make your package successfully pass the checks for current R-devel
and R-release you may find it most convenient to insert


before calling set.seed() in your example, vignette and test code (where
the difference in RNG sample kinds matters, of course).

Note that this ensures using the (old) non-uniform "Rounding" sampler
for all 3.x versions of R, and does not add an R version dependency.
Note also that the new "Rejection" sampler which R will use from 3.6.0
onwards by default is definitely preferable over the old one, so that
the above should really only be used as a temporary measure for
reproduction of the previous behavior (and the run time tests relying on

Please correct before 2019-03-20 to safely retain your package on CRAN.