
chapter 10, issue concerning the auxiliary covariate for the estimation of the NDE

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Many thanks for all your work.

I would like to point out an issue concerning the re-parametrization used in the auxiliary covariate C_Y(Q_Z, g)(O) in Chapter 10.

There is a discrepency between the re-parametrization in Chapter 10
p(A=0|Z,W)/p(A=1|Z,W) g(0|W)/g(1|W)
and that in the cited references,
p(A=0|Z,W)/p(A=1|Z,W) g(1|W)/g(0|W) (in Zheng and van der Laan 2012 for example)

I hope this will be useful

Thank you for your careful attention to detail and for pointing out this error. The text has been corrected, and the issue is resolved in f762500.