
UTF-8 Zero Space Word Break not inserted

pepa65 opened this issue · 18 comments

Trying to insert UTF-8 E2808B (u200B) into a Thai text, but it comes up empty.
swath -b $'\xE2\x80\x8B' -u u,u <<<"ผมมีแฟนแล้วนะครับ"

thep commented

The -b option currently expects ASCII text, not UTF-8. We need to change it to accept UTF-8 instead to support this test case.

On the other hand, in TIS-620 input mode, the -b option should expect TIS-620, not UTF-8.

In short, the -b option should be treated the same way input text is.

Thanks for the info. Maybe a -bt and -bu option?? (Although I don't know a use case for -bt; the -bu option will also accept ASCII.)

I was wondering about the -f option: when it is not given is plain text input assumed??
Anyway, thanks for this utility, it took me a while to find it..!

thep commented

I think fixing -b behavior should be fine. I'm working on it.

Regarding the -f option, yes, you understand it right.

thep commented

Fix committed. Thanks for your report.

Thank you Thep for the superquick fix! Now compiling it on Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Noticing that the INSTALL file doesn't say to do ./ in step 1 of the instructions -- this might trip some people up.
  2. I had to install the package libdatrie1-bin (I don't remember having to do this from Ubuntu 14.04... I had libdatrie-dev already installed.)

Works great!

thep commented
  1. The released tarball won't need an run. It's only needed for building from VCS. The auto-generated files should not be version-controlled.
  2. libdatrie1-bin is required for dictionary generation.
thep commented

Thinking it twice, I think interpreting -b option in terms of output encoding should make more sense, so that user can directly specify the word break string s/he wish to insert in case the input and output encodings differ. For example:

swath -u u,t -b $'\xFA' <<< "ผมมีแฟนแล้วนะครับ"

The change needed is:

diff --git a/src/wordseg.cpp b/src/wordseg.cpp
index 7fd39e5..a67f101 100644
--- a/src/wordseg.cpp
+++ b/src/wordseg.cpp
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ main (int argc, char* argv[])
       const wchar_t* wcwbr = L"|";
       if (wbr)
-          wcwbr = wcwbr_buff = ConvStrDup (wbr, isUniIn);
+          wcwbr = wcwbr_buff = ConvStrDup (wbr, isUniOut);
       while (!feof (stdin))

I just cloned the github repo, and it didn't have configure. A few years ago I would have been stuck there. ;-)

Absolutely correct, the separator will be in the output string!

(OT: do you know a utility that reports the character length of Thai strings?? I tried gawk because it is supposed to be multibyte-character aware, but that doesn't work.)

On second thought, maybe there should be no encoding/conversion of the separator at all. That way, you can accomplish anything with swath that you need, regardless of the input encoding or the output encoding. It becomes less predictable and less flexible if the encoding of the separator gets changed.
If I want to have $'\xE2\x80\x8B' as a separator (I mean the 3 consecutive bytes), but my output encoding is TIS-620, I would still expect to see those 3 bytes back in the output. (Of course, the total resulting string is not TIS-620 then, but that is a choice.)

(My use case is -u u,u with UTF-8 separator, so it works for me as is now.)

thep commented

I also had the idea not to convert the separator, but the change would be too deep in the class hierarchy. So, I gave it up.

thep commented

Regarding the character counting utility, how about "wc -m"?

wc counts bytes I think:
echo -n ต้น |wc
0 1 9

thep commented

I mean -m, not -n.

Sorry, yes, wc -m counts the number of characters, so:
echo -n ต้น |wc -m
(I want to get 2...)

Apparently this is a difficult problem, and many terminal editors stumble here...
I guess it would be almost trivial to adapt swath's code to do this correctly, right..?!

Or I could just use swath with a different "dictionary" with all the combinations of a single "character"..! (Or would there be a quicker way based on swath's code??)

Sorry to clutter with OT, but the dictionary method is impractical. For instance, this is 1 character: echo $'\xe0\xb8\x94\xe0\xb8\xb1\xe0\xb9\x8d\xe0\xb9\x8c\xe0\xb8\xb4\xe0\xb9\x8a'

thep commented

You mean to have it count Thai characters?

Yes, every position that gets taken up by echoing a string to the terminal, or counting the positions in a monotype font. I do a lot of work in a terminal. Apparently the functionality is all built in in libc, but taking zero-width characters into account is something you only encounter in certain languages. In latin scripts, they encode separately for accented character, like é is one UTF-8 character, echo -n "é" |wc -m gives 1.

For Thai input, I made a bash one-liner that can do it:
thaicharcount(){ echo -n "$@" |sed "s@[\xe0\xb8\xb1|\xe0\xb8\xb4|\xe0\xb8\xb5|\xe0\xb8\xb6|\xe0\xb8\xb7|\xe0\xb8\xb8|\xe0\xb8\xb9|\xe0\xb8\xba|\xe0\xb9\x87\xe0\xb9\x88|\xe0\xb9\x89|\xe0\xb9\x8a|\xe0\xb9\x8b|\xe0\xb9\x8c|\xe0\xb9\x8d|\xe0\xb9\x8e]@@g" |wc -m; }
Then thaicharcount $'\xe0\xb8\x94\xe0\xb8\xb1\xe0\xb9\x8d\xe0\xb9\x8c\xe0\xb8\xb4\xe0\xb9\x8a' will give 1.