
Simple SBT plugin showing RSS integration

Primary LanguageScala


This is an SBT 0.13 plugin which uses AutoPlugin and the ROME libraries to query websites for RSS feeds and display the titles inside SBT.

This is a fairly simple SBT plugin, and has lots of comments to show how you can add a command to SBT.


You can build and publish the plugin in the normal way to your local Ivy repository:

sbt publish-local


You must first download the git project and build it. It is not available in the maven repository.

In project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-rss" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT")

In build.sbt:

val myProject = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(SbtRss)

rssList := Seq(


Once you have it installed, typing rss at an SBT prompt will show latest updates.

> rss
[info] Showing http://typesafe.com/blog/rss.xml
[info] 		Title = The Typesafe Blog
[info] 		Published = null
[info] 		Most recent entry = Scala Days Presentation Roundup
[info] 		Entry updated = null
[info] Showing http://letitcrash.com/rss
[info] 		Title = Let it crash
[info] 		Published = null
[info] 		Most recent entry = Reactive Queue with Akka Reactive Streams
[info] 		Entry updated = null
[info] Showing https://github.com/akka/akka.github.com/commits/master/news/_posts.atom
[info] 		Title = Recent Commits to akka.github.com:master
[info] 		Published = Thu May 22 05:51:21 EDT 2014
[info] 		Most recent entry = Fix fixed issue list.
[info] 		Entry updated = Thu May 22 05:51:21 EDT 2014

Or, you can provide URLs on the command line.

> rss http://tersesystems.com/atom.xml
[info] Showing http://tersesystems.com/atom.xml
[info] 		Title = Terse Systems
[info] 		Published = Thu May 29 03:40:53 EDT 2014
[info] 		Most recent entry = Testing Hostname Verification
[info] 		Entry updated = Mon Mar 31 21:35:00 EDT 2014


Go to the sbt-rss-tester project in the github project and type rss.

cd sbt-rss-tester

Type rss at an SBT prompt.