
ivy-bibtex: add `ivy-next-line-and-call` for multiple selections... Feature Request

Opened this issue · 3 comments

ivy-bibtex does not allow multiple selections as per helm-bibtex, however this feature is available in ivy (see the manual under C-M-n ivy-next-line-and-call).

Ivy didn't support multiple selections when I checked last time (a long time ago). Not sure what needs to be done to support this in ivy. I think in helm, we got multiple selection more or less for free. If you could make a PR that would be great because I'm not using ivy myself. Thanks and best wishes.

Sorry, that's beyond my skill set. However, ebib has implemented something similar (see joostkremers/ebib#149), so that may provide some guidance to someone adequately skilled.

It's probably trivial to implement this but I don't have time to familiarize myself with ivy. Sorry but we'll have to leave this one for some ivy-bibtex user.