
Make bibtex-completion a separate package on MELPA

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hi! I'm the co-maintainer of org-roam-bibtex for what it matters.
Please, could you revert this

;; Package-Requires: ((bibtex-completion "1.0.0") (helm "1.5.5") (cl-lib "0.5") (emacs "24.1"))

to the state before 3e75018 meanwhile, until bibtex-completion is actually packaged on MELPA. It seems that straight fails to build helm-bibtex because it

"Could not find package bibtex-completion in recipe repositories: (org-elpa melpa gnu-elpa-mirror emacsmirror-mirror)"

Never mind, I pinned to the earlier commit.

Hi, I know this is annoying but if the MELPA recipe gets merged and this pacakge is not package yet we get a conflict as well. No idea how to do this without causing this friction.

No problem, I figured it out. Thank you!

MELPA PR here: melpa/melpa#6840

@myshevchuk out of laziness on my part how did you pin?

@salotz I'm using doom emacs and they have a macro for that.

(package! helm-bibtex
  :recipe (:host github :repo "tmalsburg/helm-bibtex")
  :pin "3cff6bd")

@myshevchuk thanks for the tip. Doom emacs seems to be getting popular! I figured it out for vanilla with use-package, just needed to add melpa-stable to my package lists and similarly pin:

(use-package helm-bibtex
  :ensure t
  :pin melpa-stable)

bibtex-completion is now available on MELPA.

While preparing the package I noticed that we actually depend on Emacs 26.1. I hope that's not a problem for too many people. (Current Ubuntu LTS, 18.04, comes with Emacs 25.)

I started compiling my own emacs a while ago because many packages require new 26. Ubuntu 20.04 comes out soon anyways with 26 I believe and userspace package managers are becoming more popular so I think its alright.