
Link to pdf in org mode doest not work : function definition is void : org-link-make-string

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MigAP commented

When using the default configuration given in the README :

(setq bibtex-completion-format-citation-functions '((org-mode . bibtex-completion-format-citation-org-link-to-PDF) (latex-mode . bibtex-completion-format-citation-cite) (markdown-mode . bibtex-completion-format-citation-pandoc-citeproc) (default . bibtex-completion-format-citation-default)))

I get the following error : Symbol's function definition is void: org-link-make-string , when trying to insert a link to the pdf in an org file.
I use Emacs 26.3.

I hope I gave all the necessary information.

Best regards

What's your M-x org-version?

MigAP commented


Should be fixed. Could you please confirm?

MigAP commented

I manually modified the bibtex-completion.el and I did eval-buffer and it worked !

The links are inserted automatically and they work fine.

Great, thanks.