
bibtex-completion-edit-notes-default inserting duplicate #'TITLE when using multiple notes files

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for helm-bibtex!

(bibtex-completion-edit-notes-default KEYS) seems to duplicate the #+TITLE property when creating a new notes file (unfortunately I still don't know enough elisp to ensure this... yet!)

For example, calling on an existing key (bibtex-completion-edit-notes '("bibtex-completion-edit-notes")) renders:

#+TITLE: #+TITLE: Notes on: Boes, J. R., Gumuslu, G., Miller, J. B., Gellman, A. J., & Kitchin, J. R. (2015): Estimating bulk-composition-dependent H2 adsorption energies on Cu_xpd_1-x alloy (111) surfaces

Hi, thanks for reporting this. I tried to reproduce this but failed. Do you have a step-by-step recipe? And could you please try with emacs -q and share your config? Thank you!

Hi Titus, I managed to run a minimal example in vanilla emacs without the duplication problem. Seems like this is attributable to my emacs doom configuration. Haven't managed to find out what though. Will see if I can spot what and then notify if need be. Sorry to disturb you. Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback and good luck!