
multiple search sources issue

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Sorry this might be silly, I am new to helm-bibtex but I find a bit difficult to use it. I installed it from MELPA, I tried M-x helm-bibtex I could put some pattern word and pressed TAB and wonderfully I could get some citation from web searches.

Then I added my main bib database file to emac init file as following:

(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography '("~/Dropbox/biblio/myrefs.bib"))

When I do M-x helm-bibtex I can see my main database, and I can search patterns over it. But I can't see how I can search over the web resources. I am sure I can do both local search and web searches, but I am struggling to do it.

This would be particularly useful when I don't find something in the local database and I want to find something on the web to be added to the local database.

How do I do this?

This is a helm question. It used to be possible to switch between sources with the left and right arrow keys but they removed that some time ago. There is probably a new key binding but I haven't checked. What I do is just entering some random characters, the there are no entries in the first source and you get to see the other below. Ugly I know. If you by any chance feel like looking up helm documentation for the key bindings ... :)