
expand proactive reloading to notes/pdf dirs

Closed this issue · 19 comments

In 2018, bibtex-completion added the feature "Reload bibliography proactively when bib files are changed."

The use case is when you're moving back and forth between, say, note taking on sources, and writing document that integrate those sources. With the expansion in last years of note support, and existing pdf integration, this seems like a natural extension.

Is there any reason not to extend this to PDFs and notes?

As in, if I add a PDF or note to my respective configured directories, bibtex-completion will update the candidates.

Something like this?

cc @myshevchuk

Originally posted by @bdarcus in #242 (comment)

[Copied from #242 discussion]: Good idea. The only downside that I see is that it could cause more reloads than users might like, especially users with very large bibliographies. For instance, say you have all notes in one file and you edit this file frequently and accordingly save it frequently, then Emacs would block every time you save that file and with large bibs like crypto.bib it would block for (I think) more than 30s. This could be addressed by allowing users to configure autoreloading on a fine-grained level but this would be complicated, potentially error prone, and perhaps not worth it. Not sure.

This could be addressed by allowing users to configure autoreloading on a fine-grained level but this would be complicated, potentially error prone, and perhaps not worth it. Not sure.

Yeah, I can see the issue with some setups.

I suppose a simple middle point would be to have a defcustom that allowed a user to turn it on or off?

If on, would just use the pdf and notes paths, if they are set.

Some other scenarios that are potentially tricky:

  1. If a user also keeps other files in the directories that contain notes and PDFs, any change in those files will also trigger a expensive reloads which block Emacs.
  2. If a user keeps PDFs in many different directories (referenced via the BibTeX file field), we'd have to watch all those directories. And any change in these directories, related or not, will trigger a reload.
  3. In the previous case, we don't even know, a priori, which directories we need to watch.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't expand proactive reloading, but there are many different scenarios that we need to consider carefully before implementing it.

Yeah, good points.

Hmm ...

There may be a good solution, it's just not immediately clear to me what it is.

You can already customize this without a hook. Just set up the file watches in your config and let them reload the bibliography when something changes on disk. For one specific setup (e.g. yours) this may actually be doable with a small handful of lines of code. The difficult part is to come up with something that works for all users and all configurations. When I implemented the current version of proactive loading, which is very basic, there were already users whose experience was degraded by this addition. It's important to keep in mind that this package has quite a number of users who all have their own peculiar setups and preferences. There's also other software that depends on bibtex-completion and it's current behavior (org-roam-bibtex, org-ref) and changes like this can easyly break things for them. Not saying that this necessarily would break something but it's my experience that it's surprisingly difficult to anticipate due to all the accumulated complexity.

You can already customize this without a hook. Just set up the file watches in your config and let them reload the bibliography when something changes on disk.

In that case, the simplest and most general solution is to not implement this, but put an example somewhere (docs, wiki, etc.).

Not saying that this necessarily would break something but it's my experience that it's surprisingly difficult to anticipate due to all the accumulated complexity.

Yeah; I guess it's not surprising given how many disparate packages people are often trying to get working together.

In that case, the simplest and most general solution is to not implement this, but put an example somewhere (docs, wiki, etc.).

Yes, that's a good idea, at least until we have a more general and flexible solution. I will probably use this as well for PDFs since it's easy in my own setup. I use one directory for all PDFs, and only for PDFs. For notes I use a directory that's also my Zettelkasten and which contains a lot of other stuff. So there it's less clear how to do this without triggering many unnecessary reloads.

Yeah; I guess it's not surprising given how many disparate packages people are often trying to get working together.

To be honest, it's a bit of a miracle that Emacs works at all :)

I think something like this (not tested) should do the trick for PDFs:

(file-notify-add-watch bibtex-completion-library-path
                       (lambda (event) (bibtex-completion-candidates)))

For notes you can use the same approach but with bibtex-completion-notes-path. Let me know how it goes.


I added it to my (now pretty bare) wiki here:

PS - closing for now, but will report back once I test.

Let's keep this issue open until we have added a working solution to the documentation. Otherwise it will fall through the cracks.


I seem to have something wrong with my emacs setup ATM, so I'll have to fix that first.

I think, aside from the typo, this is right.

But I can't confirm it ATM, I think because of idiosyncrasies in my implementation, which may take me a bit of time to sort out.

Two things:

First, to avoid the confusion below, I tested this with helm-bibtex.

Specifically, I:

  1. opened library, and selected "edit notes" for an item without a note
  2. new org buffer opens, and it appears to reload (because the "Done (re) loading" message)

But when I return to the library view, the new state doesn't show.

Not sure why not.

EDIT: deleting non-relevant details.

Update: I had a user request I add a cache, and so have done that. He has confirmed the README instructions (adapted from your example) work.

So I think the example should be good to go for your docs.

Thanks for the update. I've added a section in the README, see here.

I learned something you might appreciate.

If you add an optional parameter, that you don't use, to bibtex-completion-candidates, you can forego the lambda on the add-watch setup.

Explained here:

oantolin/embark#176 (comment)

Hm, this would indeed simplifies the setup of the watch but other users of bibtex-completion-candidates will find the seemingly useless extra argument confusing. Better to keep the interface clean the various functions orthogonal (to the extend possible).