
Feature request: Don't downcase titles

Closed this issue · 1 comments

While I see that it was a concious decision to downcase paper titles when formatting references, I am unable to grasp its benefit.

As a hotfix, I just deleted the "downcase" in the following line:

(lambda (x) (downcase (s-replace "\\" "\\\\" x)))

An elegant solution would be to introduce a customizable variable (helm-bibtex-keep-title-casing or something along the lines).

When displaying references this package loosely follows APA style. I understand that APA is not relevant for everyone. But it does make sense to follow some style. IMO the correct solution for this is would be a configuration variable that specifies the style and then helm-bibtex should follow that style everywhere. There should also be a plug-in architecture so that other people can add their own styles. Configuration variables for controlling individual aspects of the presentation would be too fine-grained and lead to difficult-to-maintain code, I'm afraid. I'm going to close this issue, but if you're interested in implementing the solution outlined above, please feel free to open a new issue for that. I should say thought, that I'm happy with APA format and won't be able to invest any serious amount of time into implementing support for other styles.