
Error (use-package): helm-bibtex/:catch: Symbol’s value as variable is void: helm-buffers-run-browse-project

nilsleh opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, thank you for the awesome work.

I am a new emacs user trying to use helm-bibtex with org-roam and org-roam-bibtex as a note taking and knowledge base for academic work. Currently, I am running into
Error (use-package): helm-bibtex/:catch: Symbol’s value as variable is void: helm-buffers-run-browse-project and cannot figure out what is causing it.

I am using Ubuntu 20.4 and Emacs 28.1.

This is my init file:

(use-package helm-bibtex
  :config (setq bibtex-completion-bibliography '("~/path/")

Trying to delete and reinstall helm-bibtex yields the following during installation:
helm-bibtex.el:99:1: Error: Symbol’s value as variable is void: helm-buffers-run-browse-project

I haven't encountered this error yet and helm-bibtex actually doesn't use the function helm-buffers-run-browse-project, at least not directly. Perhaps, this is caused by some interaction with org-roam-bibtex? Could you try running helm-bibtex without org-roam-bibtex?

I uninstalled org-roam-bibtex and helm-bibtex and tried to install helm-bibtex and encountered:

helm-buffers.el:1163:32: Warning: reference to free variable

In end of data:
helm-buffers.el:1163:2: Warning: the function ‘helm-make-command-from-action’
    is not known to be defined.
helm-buffers.el:242:41: Warning: the function
    ‘helm-buffers-run-browse-project’ is not known to be defined.

Could you please produce a minimal reproducible example that I can use to debug this? Thank you.

I tried several things with helm-bibtex and helm but did not manage to figure out a solution. So I switched to ivy-bibtex and that is working! I assume something else was therfore causing this issue. Apologies for the inconvenience.

No need to apologize. I'll close this issue, but feel free to reopen if you find a way to reproduce this issue in a minimal example.