
Load all Bing Ads Service Customer Client Id

AnilaBazi opened this issue · 6 comments

In Microsoft account i have a list of accounts to choose , how can i get the id of all of them .

Hello @AnilaBazi

Currently, it's only designed for you to load into each specific account (customer ids) as such

$bingAds = LaravelAds::bingAds()->with('CLIENT_ID');

But I do like the idea of adding that feature such as ->getAccounts(), I will look into this. If you know a way to do it feel free to add a pull request.

+1 to add this for Google and Bing

I haven't been able to install your package in the project I am working on but I have been able to use some of it as a base to something I am working on.

One of the things I need to be able to do is allow the user to auth with my application to et the refresh_token (which I have done). Then I need to be able to allow the user to pick an account to link to. It looks like that before I am able to show them a list of accounts to pick from I first need to get a list of customers (custoemr_id).

I have tried to hash this out a little but I'm not getting anywhere.

        $request = new SearchCustomersRequest();

        $predicate = new Predicate();
        $predicate->Field = 'AccountLifeCycleStatus';
        $predicate->Operator = PredicateOperator::Equals;
        $predicate->Value = 'Active';

        $request->Predicates = [$predicate];

        $ordering = new OrderBy;
        $ordering->Field = 'Name';
        $ordering->Order = 'Ascending';
        $request->Ordering = $ordering;

        $paging = new Paging();
        $paging->Index = 0;
        $paging->Size = 1000;
        $request->PageInfo = $paging;

        try {
            $items = $serviceCall->GetService()->SearchCustomers($request);
        } catch (\SoapFault $e) {


One way I have been able to list the available accounts for the user is by doing this

$serviceCall = $this->call(ServiceClientType::CustomerManagementVersion13);

        $request = new GetLinkedAccountsAndCustomersInfoRequest();
        $request->CustomerId = 'XXXXXXXXXXX';

        $items = $serviceCall->GetService()->GetLinkedAccountsAndCustomersInfo($request);

        $resultCollection = collect();

        foreach ($items->AccountsInfo as $item) {
            foreach ($item as $account) {
                    'id' => $account->Id,
                    'name' => $account->Name,
                    'status' => Str::lower($account->AccountLifeCycleStatus),

        dump($resultCollection->where('status', '=', 'active'));


This gets a list of the 'cusomters'

        $serviceCall = $this->call(ServiceClientType::CustomerManagementVersion13);

        $request = new GetCustomersInfoRequest();
        $request->CustomerNameFilter = '';
        $request->TopN = 100;

        try {
            $items = $serviceCall->GetService()->GetCustomersInfo($request);
        } catch (\SoapFault $e) {



  +"CustomersInfo": {#726
    +"CustomerInfo": array:2 [
      0 => {#725
        +"Id": XXXX
        +"Name": "XXXX"
      1 => {#724
        +"Id": XXXX
        +"Name": "XXXX"

@jamesmills Sorry I missed your comments, were you able to install the package? I believe we had a few issues with GoogleAds version which caused monolog to fail, which was fixed. Just checking in on this. Thanks.