
Error doing Pip. Fix requirements

zetteronBackup opened this issue · 9 comments


I believe you have missed something regarding anaconda project version.

Hi are you sure python is installed properly? Try running a file (simple print statement or something)

If that works I'll look into further

When i get back home i'll check and reply. what version of python are you running?

3.7 I believe. Are you on Mac or pc? Looks like PC which is odd.

Did you originally install python via anaconda? Usually that can cause issues

Try doing just
pip install requirements.txt
For some reason I feel like the -r is mainly for Mac users

it doesn't work without -r on windows.
The thing is-if i exclude anaconda and about 10-15 requirement titles pip runs fine.
The old version worked fine but requirements had like 10 titles.
Hello world and from pycharm website run fine.

Hi I'm able to replicate the error. I'll let you know when it's fixed, thank you for pointing this out!

The requirements.txt I uploaded wasn't from the venv, it literally pulled everything I had installed on my computer. Tysm for pointing this out I would've never noticed.

Just pushed the update, you'll notice there's only 6 requirements now... can't believe I didn't notice this.

Let me know if it works for you now

I am wondering why you use the anaconda dev environment rather a vanilla python. Do you need e.g. the "anaconda-client". Also quite at the end there are some packages which only exist for the mac os X branch - so i am curious how that should work with Windows. What i did was to globally replace "==" with ">=" so some of the quite old packages mentioned were satisfied with more up to date ones.

BTW, don't get me wrong - nice Autobidder!

Ahhh, just had a look at the new requirement file - forget everything apart from .... nice Autobidder!

Hahah I appreciate it! Thanks