
Unable to read from socket

steotia opened this issue · 2 comments

For the WebSocket example GET on /echo I am unable to read anything from the socket, only able to write back. Reading simply returns an error EOF, when trying to RecvMsg in the gRPC server.

Got it.
For bidi comms, the GET /echo has to be modified to become POST /echo.
Can be achieved via

var wsopts []wsproxy.Option
wsopts = append(wsopts, wsproxy.WithMethodParamOverride("POST"))
http.ListenAndServe(*httpAddr, wsproxy.WebsocketProxy(mux, wsopts...))

This is not very obvious

@steotia Were you able to connect to the server using the browser web socket client or another? I receive a 405 Method Not Allowed, but haven't investigated much further.