
Invalid syntax in save()

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Specifically the dictionary unpacking on line 58 of the plugin. The syntax being used was added in Python 3.5 and Sublime runs on 3.3.6.

From the console:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=3, micro=6, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

See this comment in the PR for more context. I saw this thread where it is mentioned that they backport 3.4 patches to their own maintained 3.3.

Hmm, weird. I'm trying to figure out how this didn't error out when I tested it on my Sublime.

Sorry about that! Just sent you a PR to fix it #4. Tested on my machine.

My hunch for missing this earlier is I must've had 2 versions installed or forgot to check out my branch when testing and ran the wrong one or something like that.

All good, thanks for the fix! I'm glad it happened, because I learned a little bit about Python in the process.