
Plan for 0.9.1 support?

randybias opened this issue · 5 comments

Is this on the roadmap?

tmm1 commented

What features of 0.9.1 are missing?

Hi tmm1,

I tried using your amqp gem with QPID v0.6. It uses the v0.9 protocol. When I ran your examples, it publishes messages with no error, but it doesn't appear to consume messages. Is this because it doesn't support AMQP v0.9?

One of the annoying problems of missing 0.9.1 support is that a lot of tools already stop to to support 0.8, so it's pretty hard to (for example) debug it: Wireshark shows a lot of packets as malformed and the current release of doesn't support 0.8 at all. It's possible to get the Tracer running by manually git checkout the proper tag for the rabbitmq-java-client (and the rabbitmq-codegen as well), but it's not optimal really ... 0.9.1 was released at 13 November 2008, so it's nothing extra new really.

OK, now this is work-in-progress, the 0.9.1 support will come with (finishing and) integration of It should be also faster than the current amqp/spec.rb and amqp/buffer.rb.

I transfered the issue to the current master repo ruby-amqp#6.