
Getting a library not found error after downloading with Rome

Palleas opened this issue · 2 comments

This is my app:

I run the following commands make update to run carthage and upload on S3 with rome. This is the output:

carthage update --no-use-binaries --platform ios
*** Fetching Tentacle
*** Fetching Nimble
*** Fetching keychain-swift
*** Fetching Quick
*** Fetching ReactiveSwift
*** Fetching Argo
*** Fetching Curry
*** Fetching Result
*** Fetching Runes
*** Checking out Curry at "v3.0.0"
*** Checking out keychain-swift at "7.0.1"
*** Checking out Nimble at "v6.1.0"
*** Checking out Quick at "v1.1.0"
*** Checking out Result at "3.2.1"
*** Checking out ReactiveSwift at "1.1.1"
*** Checking out ReactiveCocoa at "b27c62bf8743a6644219a862f2c51c4334f225d6"
*** Checking out Runes at "v4.0.1"
*** Checking out Argo at "v4.1.2"
*** Checking out Tentacle at "2141159b750a0cd170264445da01eb56f1b5a38c"
*** Checking out YamlSwift at "3.3.1"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/96/1g222jyn23v3d1jllp969gvh0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.VOxyAu.log
*** Building scheme "Curry-iOS" in Curry.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "KeychainSwift" in KeychainSwift.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Nimble-iOS" in Nimble.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Quick-iOS" in Quick.xcworkspace
*** Building scheme "Result-iOS" in Result.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "ReactiveSwift-iOS" in ReactiveSwift.xcworkspace
*** Building scheme "ReactiveCocoa-iOS" in ReactiveCocoa.xcworkspace
*** Building scheme "Runes-iOS" in Runes.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Argo-iOS" in Argo.xcworkspace
*** Building scheme "Tentacle-iOS" in Tentacle.xcworkspace
*** Building scheme "Yaml iOS" in Yaml.xcodeproj
rome upload --platform ios
Uploaded Nimble to: Nimble/iOS/
Uploaded Nimble.dSYM to: Nimble/iOS/
Uploaded Quick to: Quick/iOS/
Uploaded Quick.dSYM to: Quick/iOS/
Uploaded ReactiveCocoa to: ReactiveCocoa/iOS/
Uploaded ReactiveCocoa.dSYM to: ReactiveCocoa/iOS/
Uploaded ReactiveSwift to: ReactiveSwift/iOS/
Uploaded ReactiveSwift.dSYM to: ReactiveSwift/iOS/
Uploaded Result to: Result/iOS/
Uploaded Result.dSYM to: Result/iOS/
Uploaded Yaml to: YamlSwift/iOS/
Uploaded Yaml.dSYM to: YamlSwift/iOS/
Uploaded KeychainSwift to: keychain-swift/iOS/
Uploaded KeychainSwift.dSYM to: keychain-swift/iOS/
Uploaded Tentacle to: Tentacle/iOS/
Uploaded Tentacle.dSYM to: Tentacle/iOS/
Uploaded Argo to: Argo/iOS/
Uploaded Argo.dSYM to: Argo/iOS/
Uploaded Curry to: Curry/iOS/
Uploaded Curry.dSYM to: Curry/iOS/
Uploaded Runes to: Runes/iOS/
Uploaded Runes.dSYM to: Runes/iOS/
Uploaded .Nimble.version to: Nimble/.Nimble.version-v6.1.0
Uploaded .Quick.version to: Quick/.Quick.version-v1.1.0
Uploaded .ReactiveCocoa.version to: ReactiveCocoa/.ReactiveCocoa.version-b27c62bf8743a6644219a862f2c51c4334f225d6
Uploaded .ReactiveSwift.version to: ReactiveSwift/.ReactiveSwift.version-1.1.1
Uploaded .Result.version to: Result/.Result.version-3.2.1
Uploaded .YamlSwift.version to: YamlSwift/.YamlSwift.version-3.3.1
Uploaded .keychain-swift.version to: keychain-swift/.keychain-swift.version-7.0.1
Uploaded .Tentacle.version to: Tentacle/.Tentacle.version-2141159b750a0cd170264445da01eb56f1b5a38c
Uploaded .Argo.version to: Argo/.Argo.version-v4.1.2
Uploaded .Curry.version to: Curry/.Curry.version-v3.0.0
Uploaded .Runes.version to: Runes/.Runes.version-v4.0.1

After that, the result of rome list --platform ios --missing is empty so everything worked and I can run my project without issue.

Now if I remove my Carthage folder and run make bootstrap (which runs carthage update and rome download), I get the following (quite similar) output:

*** Fetching Tentacle
*** Fetching Nimble
*** Fetching keychain-swift
*** Fetching Quick
*** Fetching ReactiveSwift
*** Fetching Argo
*** Fetching Curry
*** Fetching Result
*** Fetching Runes
*** Checking out Curry at "v3.0.0"
*** Checking out keychain-swift at "7.0.1"
*** Checking out Nimble at "v6.1.0"
*** Checking out Quick at "v1.1.0"
*** Checking out Result at "3.2.1"
*** Checking out ReactiveSwift at "1.1.1"
*** Checking out ReactiveCocoa at "b27c62bf8743a6644219a862f2c51c4334f225d6"
*** Checking out Runes at "v4.0.1"
*** Checking out Argo at "v4.1.2"
*** Checking out Tentacle at "2141159b750a0cd170264445da01eb56f1b5a38c"
*** Checking out YamlSwift at "3.3.1"
rome download --platform ios
Downloaded Nimble from: Nimble/iOS/
Downloaded Nimble.dSYM from: Nimble/iOS/
Downloaded Quick from: Quick/iOS/
Downloaded Quick.dSYM from: Quick/iOS/
Downloaded ReactiveCocoa from: ReactiveCocoa/iOS/
Downloaded ReactiveCocoa.dSYM from: ReactiveCocoa/iOS/
Downloaded ReactiveSwift from: ReactiveSwift/iOS/
Downloaded ReactiveSwift.dSYM from: ReactiveSwift/iOS/
Downloaded Result from: Result/iOS/
Downloaded Result.dSYM from: Result/iOS/
Downloaded Yaml from: YamlSwift/iOS/
Downloaded Yaml.dSYM from: YamlSwift/iOS/
Downloaded KeychainSwift from: keychain-swift/iOS/
Downloaded KeychainSwift.dSYM from: keychain-swift/iOS/
Downloaded Tentacle from: Tentacle/iOS/
Downloaded Tentacle.dSYM from: Tentacle/iOS/
Downloaded Argo from: Argo/iOS/
Downloaded Argo.dSYM from: Argo/iOS/
Downloaded Curry from: Curry/iOS/
Downloaded Curry.dSYM from: Curry/iOS/
Downloaded Runes from: Runes/iOS/
Downloaded Runes.dSYM from: Runes/iOS/
Downloaded .Nimble.version from: Nimble/.Nimble.version-v6.1.0
Downloaded .Quick.version from: Quick/.Quick.version-v1.1.0
Downloaded .ReactiveCocoa.version from: ReactiveCocoa/.ReactiveCocoa.version-b27c62bf8743a6644219a862f2c51c4334f225d6
Downloaded .ReactiveSwift.version from: ReactiveSwift/.ReactiveSwift.version-1.1.1
Downloaded .Result.version from: Result/.Result.version-3.2.1
Downloaded .YamlSwift.version from: YamlSwift/.YamlSwift.version-3.3.1
Downloaded .keychain-swift.version from: keychain-swift/.keychain-swift.version-7.0.1
Downloaded .Tentacle.version from: Tentacle/.Tentacle.version-2141159b750a0cd170264445da01eb56f1b5a38c
Downloaded .Argo.version from: Argo/.Argo.version-v4.1.2
Downloaded .Curry.version from: Curry/.Curry.version-v3.0.0
Downloaded .Runes.version from: Runes/.Runes.version-v4.0.1

Again, the rome list --platform ios --missing is empty and I'm able to compile my app.

When I run it though, I get the following error:

  Referenced from: /Users/romain/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E78E9062-AF8A-4BE0-B6D0-4B6C9FB5737E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B2BB8941-D1B0-402F-A22D-35591451114B/
  Reason: image not found

Happy to dig a little more but in the meantime, have you seen something like this?

Thanks, will take a look 👍

Solved with Palleas/bookish-invention#1 (comment) where I could build :)