
Incompatibility with `vim-tmux-navigator`

sergei-dyshel opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm not sure whether this is a bug or feature, but copycat somehow overrides global C-j shortcut which is used by vim-tmux-navigator.

I'm not sure how Copycat works, but it takes bindings that copy selection in vi-copy mode (one of them being C-j by default) and creates corresponding global (-n) bindings, hence removes previous bindings for that key. In my tmux.conf I had to define the following in order to prevent this from happening:

unbind-key -t vi-copy C-j

The C-j quits tmux's regular copy mode. It was overridden (along with keys like C-c Enter, q) so that it also exits copycat mode (introduced by this plugin).

I think it's safe to assume not a lot of people use C-j so it's removed from the override list with 59c5247