
Can't set other editor than vim

guygadebois opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey, thanks for this cool plugin!
I'd really like to have files opening with emacs though!
As written in the doc, I've tried to set $EDITOR in my .zshrc, and reload my terminal env (even restarting tmux)
Tried both with "emacs" an "/usr/bin/emacs" but vim keeps opening when I hit C-o.

Hmm.. it looks like the default EDITOR value, which is vi, is kicking in for you. Here's the relevant function
I'm surprised this is failing even after tmux restarts as there's really no magic to this..

Thank you for the pointer!
I've finally spotted the issue: in my setup my shell emulator (konsole) opens directly tmux, and tmux then uses zsh underlying.
So my $EDITOR env value was set for zsh, but not for tmux.
I've added setenv EDITOR "emacs -nw" in my tmux.conf file and now it works!

Closing this issue as this had nothing to do with tmux-open