
lowercase "o" key conflicts with vi copy-mode

sunaku opened this issue · 6 comments


Lowercase "o" jumps to either end of the visual selection when using copy-mode with vi bindings in tmux. This plugin overrides that shortcut and makes the original functionality inacessible.

Please change this plugin to use capital "O" as the shortcut to open the visual selection instead.

Thanks for your consideration. ✌️

Hi, the override is conscious as lowercase "o" is *really* rarely used.
You can configure this in .tmux.conf:

@open 'O'

That may be true for you, but I use lowercase "o" in visual selection mode regularly (in tmux and Vim). It's the easiest way to correct one's mistakes without abandoning the current selection when too much/little text is selected at either end of the selected region.

That @open 'O' snippet gives me the following error:

.tmux.conf:262: unknown command: @open 

Do you mean I should add this to my .tmux.conf ?

set -g @open O


Hi, sorry for the mistake in the previous post. Yes, adding the following should fix this:

set -g @open 'O'

Hello guys, I agree with sunaku, also heavy user of 'o'.

'Enter' also seems to be another good mapping although I haven't tested this conf enough.

Anyways, I find this override setting should be mentioned on the README, as it is on another one of your awesome set of plugins bruno.

Hey @aleprovencio, mentioning this in the readme is a good idea.
I've added a new configuration section where this is explained.

thank you!