feature-request: Show zoomed status too
PauloPhagula opened this issue · 2 comments
PauloPhagula commented
The plugin is very useful as it allows us to see in which status we're. Copy, Sync, or simple Prefix.
Showing whether we're in a zoomed state is useful too, as one might enter in zoom mode and forget.
jaclu commented
Starting with Tmux 2.0 there is a built in indicator, just use:
#{?window_zoomed_flag, 🔍 ,}
in your status bar and the zoomed icon, or something else if you change it will be displayed for a zoomed pane
PauloPhagula commented
I've added this to my config
set -g pane-border-format '#{?window_zoomed_flag,#[fg=red blink bold]ZOOMED,}'