
Using NNN instead of tree | Files not opening

ThaDaVos opened this issue · 6 comments

I tried using NNN as replacement but because of the same reason as here: #19
I cannot, so I follow the fix mention there to add the following line:
set -g @sidebar-key-t 'nnn,left,60,focus'

Now I can open NNN using the C-b + t shortcut, but when it's open, I cannot open any file - even though if I open it seperately it works fine

And I figured out why..

If I set set -g @sidebar-tree-command 'printenv | sort' I noticed the env's to get NNN working are missing...
Am I correct in thinking that the plugin opens a different/specific shell?

@ThaDaVos did you ever get this working? I would like to do something like this myself as tree is pretty limited

Not really - it half works and half doesn't - I am not even using it anymore so yeah

did you by chance find any other way to integrate nnn as a file manager within tmux i am rolling down this path atm trying to get going with this.

Sadly not, except calling it straight up manually -> I still have the sidebar stuff configured but barely use it

for what its worth i found which mostly works and extends this plugin to behave a bit better. It seems to have been abandoned so I am looking to fix some bugs and we will see how it goes