
Changes to tmux break copying

jtbraun opened this issue · 7 comments

This commit tmux/tmux@76d6d36 reworks how copy-mode key tables works. -t emacs-copy and -t vi-copy are gone, and are roughly replaced with -Tcopy-mode and -Tcopy-mode-vi. There are other required changes in how these key bindings work (also summarized in the commit above), requiring the use of send-keys.

It looks like changing most of the commands in yank.tmux from/to below works, using copy-mode-vi instead of vi-copy.

You probably also want to use the new copy-pipe-and-cancel instead of copy-pipe.

tmux bind-key -t emacs-copy KEY COMMAND


tmux bind-key -T copy-mode KEY send-keys -X COMMAND

Here's an example set of changes that seem to work. The final solution should probably detect the tmux version and choose one set of binding commands over another.

Note that this commit also reflects changes I made to support copy-from-mouse-selection:

Have the same issue, y doesn't copy anymore.

I'm having this issue too.

If it helps, you can workaround this problem by installing the homebrew package "reattach-to-user-namespace" and adding this two lines to your tmux.conf

set -g default-shell $SHELL 
set -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l ${SHELL}"

not ideal but it seems to work!

currently only this works @ubuntu15.10|tmux2.3|fish:
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send -X copy-pipe "xclip -sel clip -i"

TMUX 2.3 copy to clipboard

Got here from tmux/tmux#754. ArchLinux has just updated official repositories, triggering this issue.