Project Title - TamilNadu E-Grievence Addressal Portal
Project Description TamilNadu E-Grievance Adddressal Portal - A system which can be used as a single Grievance Reportal/Addressing system for all the civic issues across the state - Its a multi portal system where * the general citizens can log their complaints * CMA authorities can also login into the system to read and address the complaints received - The application has been developed based on a strong workflow management. - Every civic issue will have a POC(Point of Contact) for each city and any complaints related to that civic issue will be assigned to him. He can resolve/reassign to his subordinates. - The complaints raised by the citizens goes through different stages * Open * Assigned * In Process * Resolved * Closed * ReOpened * Rejected * Deferred - The complaints can be reassigned to other CMA members - Citizens will be notified by email for every status changes in their request - Citizens can track their complaints online.
Project Members
- Arun Christopher Manoharan