Team Name: Cognizant-Pirates Team Members: Neel,Madhusudhan,Yogamani Balusamy,Madhana sundar,Badri Narayanan
Technologies Used:
Android Java/J2EE Rest services Responsive UI Phonegap IOS
Current system working based on the mentioned options
- SMS based
- mobile no based
- online based(NA) Citizen CMA App - Smart Phones
- Property Tax
- Profession TAX(EC)
- Water Meter
- Birth Reg
- Death Reg
- Feedback
- Tender analysis
- Rainfall Info
- Emergency Info - through Push notifications….
- Complaints - Send the complaints based on Area/locality/ward/Category to the online system with optional pic upload feature
online Grievance Dashboard - Online System & Mobile App
Municipal Admin Logs the complaints based on category with validation/ Approval Officials to be assigned based on the Area/CAtegory Take necessary action & report back to the online system
CMA Dashboard Analytics - Tablets
Senior officials to track the relevant municipals/corporation based on Grievance analysis report data from the online system