
[QUESTION] How to remove dragbar

fynn-lemburg opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Is there a way to remove this dragbar at the bottom of HtmlEditor
and disable scrolling?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-17 um 16 19 14

Yes, you can do controller.setFullscreen() to accomplish this. If you want it on editor startup use the onInit callback.

Closing for now, hope it helped!

I don't understand why does it not let the page scroll in Flutter web? Why it eats up all the scroll events even when setting a fix height, auto scroll or even full screen?

@Fauzdar1 unfortunately this is just how the webviews work in flutter. If I disable scrolling, then the user cannot scroll the content they have entered in the editor. Nothing I can do here, but I am considering creating a native version of the editor which should resolve these issues. This will take a while though

iBog commented

Yes, you can do controller.setFullscreen() to accomplish this. If you want it on editor startup use the onInit callback

Not a solution, it causes an ugly blink effect when bottom panel disappear in a second

The blink effect is likely the editor initializing, removing the dragbar should not have any blink effect.

iBog commented

Example, feeback dialog with default bottom dragbar
with applied controller.setFullscreen() in Callbacks onInit:

Hey @iBog, can you please share your code, as I've been using it in a dialog and previously, used it without a dialog, and I didn't, even now don't face this issue.

My code:

 key: editorKey,
 controller: htmlEditorController,
 callbacks: Callbacks(onInit: () {
 otherOptions: OtherOptions(height: 300),
 htmlEditorOptions: HtmlEditorOptions(
   autoAdjustHeight: false,
   hint: hint,

@iBog I'll be honest I don't see much of a difference. Out of curiosity maybe delay the setFullscreen by a few seconds to see specifically what effect that command has on the editor flickering?

iBog commented

@Fauzdar1 @tneotia thanks for your attention!
I think the flickering reason not in setFullScreen method,
the most similar issue is in native webview: flutter/flutter#27198
Slowed demo with pure code from @Fauzdar1 above this post, plus
androidUseHybridComposition: false, to prevent Gl_surface crash,
emulator "Pixel 5 API 29 (Android 10)"
added 1 second Delay before apply setFullScreen

Can't attach file anymore ((

Also doesn't make sense reproduce this issue on 120Hz screen devices )

iBog commented

Show Dialog code:

      context: context,
      barrierDismissible: true,
      barrierLabel: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).modalBarrierDismissLabel,
      barrierColor: Colors.black54,
      transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
      pageBuilder: (context, anim1, anim2) {
        return Center(
          child: Container(
            width: width,
            height: height,
            child: StatefulBuilder(
              builder: (context, snapshot) {
                return Card(
                  color: backgroundColor,
                  shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0)),
                  child: HtmlEditor(....),