
Presenting a clean honeypot

robputt opened this issue · 2 comments


I have had a HonSSH honey pot running for a while with some interesting results, however I am a bit concerned that when an intruder epically screws up the honeypot backend it often requires manual intervention to put it right. Can we add a feature to enable spinning up and retirement of the backend host using a docker container. This way the attacker gets a clean docker container each time he attempts the hack to interact with. I am happy to help out implement this, let me know your thoughts.

Best Regards,


This is an interesting idea but, I'm not sure its within the scope of HonSSH. Maybe it could be added as a type of optional module?
What do you think @tnich ?

tnich commented

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your comment.

I added in the "pre_auth_script" config option to help with things like this.
The idea being that when an attacker connects, HonSSH calls a script of your choosing and passes it the attacker IP etc.
Then the script returns the IP of the honeypot that you want HonSSH to forward the attacker too.

I thought the external script could spin up docker/LXC etc and keep track of attacker IPs to container mappings, that way they could log back into the same pot, but other attackers would get a new clean install.

I want to eventually add a post_auth_script to forward attackers based on the username/password combination, but that's a way off currently.
