
Joyridestep has negative top-placement (i.e. top: -455px) on iOS devices.

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

Describe the bug
I'm using an ionic app (ionic 5 with angular 9.x)
When I create an Android APK file, the ngx-joyride works fine (highlighting the right element + correct position)
When I build for iOS and run it on an iPhone or on an emulator, I only see a backdrop.
When inspecting the position top of the steps are all like: -400px, -350px etc.
I also waited for 2 seconds before showing the tutorial, but that also didn't work, so it's not a timing issue.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
It's hard to reproduce, but this looks like it should be solveable.
Maybe my main wrapper or highlighted items need some kind of extra CSS attribute?
I tried, position relative/absolute etc. without success...

Expected behavior
The joyride-step should be a lot further down. It looks like it thinks the screen is far to the top.

Not provided - You only see a backdrop overlay over the screen.

Details (please complete the following information):

  • Browser = InAppBrowser (iOS only) might also occur on Safari.
  • Angular 9.1.6
  • ngx-joyride 2.3.1
  • Ionic 5.0.7

More info;

I debugged the code of the plugin and found that it calculated the wrong 'top' from my selected element. In the code it checks if the ancestor has 'position: fixed' or 'position: absolute'.
In my case, with position fixed, it used the following calculation which didnt work in iOS:

Which, in the plugin was called by function: getElementFixedTop() in document.service.ts
I now changed it to always use: getElementAbsoluteTop() this works for me!

So the following calculation of the top-offset always works in my case:

const scrollOffsets = this.getScrollOffsets();
        return (
            elementRef.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().left +


This solution worked out for me, forcing the plugin to use getElementAbsoluteTop(), just a minor correction, in your comment you mentioned the getElementAbsoluteLeft calculation.

The getElementAbsoluteTop calculation is the following:

const scrollOffsets = this.getScrollOffsets();
return (elementRef.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().top +

is there any plan to fix this in the repo?

I'm facing this issue too

@Jay031 @IgorGamella is there any way to workaround this without forking the repo and building a custom version of the package?

Se voces ainda tem esse problema, consegui resolver com esse link

Jay031 commented

Sorry but the issue is very outdated. I'm not experiencing any issues anymore at this moment.
Please open your own issue if you have any issues!