
Pluggable or Replaceable SSR and client runtimes

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The SSR and client-side runtime could be pluggable.

Open Questions

  • What would this enable us to do?
    • Maybe Vue/Svelte/etc support?
    • Maybe framework-specific routers
      • Code is already rendered to JS files, so it's possible that with features like Suspense you could SSR and rehydrate into a client-side rendered application with React Router
  • What would it prevent us from doing?
  • If future Toast is runnable in a serverless function on-demand, would we be able to support all pluggable runtimes or would some be "serverless supported"? Does it matter?
  • How does it affect page-wrapper/component removal? What would an "up to spec" wrapper look like? How do we make sure we communicate that from npm packages to the toast project and more.
    • setDataForSlug("/", { component: null, wrapper: null, data: {}})