
Restart containers like supervisord

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Now seagull is only used to monitor docker daemon. It would be great to manage containers like supervisord.

We can monitor the status of containers and restart them if they abort unexpectedly. We need more discussion about the detail and make sure it doesn't increase the complexity.

Docker already has this feature you just need to set the restart policy. See docker run --help. I assume you can also set this via the Remote API. So really Seagull should just allow the user to set this :)

Thanks @therealprologic and that looks good enough for us. Refer to moby/moby#26 and moby/moby#7226.

Currently seagull doesn't support to run container. There're too many parameters and we have to find out the easiest way to support it. #6 is the related issue. If docker daemon can restart containers like supervisord, I think we can close this without doing anything 😄

Agreed. If Seagull doesn't "run" containers but just monitors them; then it's up to the developer/user to have set the correct "restart policy" in the first place.