
examples and configs to bring up an observability stack for local & offline development

Observability Stack for Local Dev

This is a docker-compose setup for bringing up a local Grafana stack and examples of how to set up local development environments to write data to this stack, and even proxy it to SaaS solutions. This enables developers to continue using observability-driven development feedback loops even when working offline. Once things are set up here, going online/offline should be mostly transparent too.


This ain't ready yet. I just dumped these configs here to get it out on GitHub rather than just running my mouth on Twitter.


The UI tools available here don't seem to have the same kind of discovery tools the SaaS tools typically offer, so the Loki / promtail part becomes important for UX so that folks who log their trace / span ids can at least use log links to get to their traces in a couple clicks.


Some stuff I'm not sure about maybe y'all know.

  • what's the best way to get promtail to slurp logs from a separate docker-compose instance running my service code?
  • how do I make the right URL for getting to Grafana obvious and accessible?
  • is it fine to let the collector just keep trying to call out to vendors and fail?

PR Ideas

  • add prometheus and wire up the metrics path through the otel collector


docker-compose up gets you a functional observability stack that does not require an internet connection after the first up.

examples of how folks can plumb their data into this stack from docker, docker-compose, and whatever kids these days are into