
How to use data ?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I can recover all data in my city, thanks to your plugin !

But when I have them in my client side (With angular), I can't use them ...

Have you an idea for me ? A point of start ?

Thank you ...

Sorry, but I don't really understand what you mean. If you can query the data successfully, then you should be able to use it via a Angular service or direct http call. It's not a "problem" of this project though.

Concretely, I try to use them with ng-repeat like this :


<p ng-repeat="event in eventfb track by $index">{{}}</p>

JS :

$scope.getFBevent = function() {

$http.get("http://localhost:9311/getEvent", { params:{

                  lat: $scope.latpos,

                  lng: $scope.lngpos


              }).success(function(response) {

                  console.log("Success" + response)
                  $scope.eventfb = response;

              }).error(function(response) {

                  console.log("ERROR" + response);



I have successfully recover the long array (like in documentation) in my console log, but in view nothing happen ... I'm sure I've made a mistake, but since yesterday I search (and struggling) to find the solution with my friend, Google.

If you can tell me how can I display the array information in my view, you are my savior !

Thank you !

Sorry, I can't really help you with that.

That's cool, I found solution. :)

But now, I have this error :

"message":"Please specify the lat and lng parameters!","code":1

My server.js :

var lat =;
var lng = req.body.lng;
var accessToken = myaccesstoken;

var es = new EventSearch({
"lat": lat,
"lng": lng,
"accessToken": accessToken

And my JS :

    $scope.latpos = "43.5847713";
    $scope.lngpos = "2.2472819";


$scope.getFBevent = function() {

$http.get("http://localhost:9311/getEvent", { params:{

                  lat: $scope.latpos,

                  lng: $scope.lngpos


              }).success(function(response) {

                  console.log("Success" + response)
                  $scope.eventfb = response;

              }).error(function(response) {

                  console.log("ERROR" + response);



Have I miss something ?

Thank you for support.