

Opened this issue · 19 comments

I use this for a day or two. What's wrong?


Probably related to FB cambridge analytica ... More info here :

Have a look at tobilg/facebook-events-by-location-core#29 (comment) FB restricted access to the GET /events endpoint. It’s not a problem of this project.

@tobilg , so what do we have at this moment? Is there some way to get events in our applications ?

@DenysBohurskyi I don’t really know. FB‘s docs and communication are inconsistant about this unfortunately.

@tobilg in FB Developer group I saw that some people got their apps reviewed. Someone wrote that we need to submit for App Review and select we want to use the Event API. But App Review is currently paused, so we have to wait. But I even don't know how to do this :)

It's all documented in the issue I linked above... The Event API is currently not present as feature for the App Review, so I wonder how that should work. Also, as you said, FB seems to have paused App Reviews in general.

xtebs commented

I was finishing an app fully relying on event API :( in React Native.
Is not public or finished so I cant put it for Review. But also cant test it without real events :/
Never thought this was going to happen. My (very) bad. Let's hope they put it back on!
(Even without attendees, or any field that might be private. I don't understand how public events might do some harm :/ )

On documentation of api facebook there isn't any information that i get the events from a page.
In docs for get the events is necessary user access token with the permission "manage_pages" but the graph tool explorer return blank array

I don't think this is correct @filippodicostanzo. Please link the docs accordingly.

@tobilg until yesterday it work with user access token.
I try on graph explorer of facebook and it works.

But now for get the events is necessary an approved app?

Graph Explorer is always an exception. I don't want to repeat the whole discussion on this topic at tobilg/facebook-events-by-location-core#29 here again. Please refer to the existing bug reports.

lozo commented

Hello, the issue is resolved. What permission do I need in AppReview (they are dozen of it). They want screen cast. Upload screencast
We need to see your app using manage_pages so we can see that it doesn't violate our policies. Upload a video screencast walkthrough using any method, (even recording with your phone).
You must show:
How a person logs in with Facebook
How a person sees this permission used in your app.

How can they test if I have this uploded in heroku??

So far no developer has understood how to get the permission and nobody developer has managed to get the public events from pages on facebook. So i think that on this endpoint Facebook doesn't have a clear vision and i think yet that this endpoint will deprecated although I hope not.

What do you suggest guys?

Do you have news ?

Any answer, guys?

Having the same problem... Let's pray they will open it again

any news guys?