
📊⏱️ Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly Toggl Track stats

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Toggl + GitHub Gist

Follow @tobimori on Twitter Total Time Tracked Working On toggl-box

📊 Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly Toggl stats. 📊

📌✨ For more pinned-gist projects like this one, check out: https://github.com/matchai/awesome-pinned-gists

🎒 Prep Work

  1. Create a new public GitHub Gist (https://gist.github.com/)
  2. Create a token with the gist scope and copy it. (https://github.com/settings/tokens/new)
  3. Copy your API token from your Toggl profile
  4. Copy your Workspace ID from the URL in your project view

🖥 Project Setup

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Go to your fork's Settings > Secrets > Add a new secret for each repository secret (below)
  3. Set filter options in .github/workflows/schedule.yml (also below)

🔥 Filter Options

  • FILTER_BY_BILLABLE: Filters out specific entries without a specific billable state.
    • Valid options: yes, no, or both.
    • Defaults to both.
    • Requires a paid Toggl plan.
  • FILTER_BY_TAG: Filters out specific entries without a specific tag.
    • Valid options: false to disable the filter, 0 to filter out all entries with a tag, or a comma-separated list of tag ids.
    • Defaults to a random tag id.
    • You can get tag ids by utilizing the Toggl API
  • FILTER_BY_USER: Shows only work done by a specific user in a workspace
    • Valid options: false to disable the filter or a comma-separated list of user ids.
    • Defaults to a false.
    • You can get user ids by utilizing the Toggl API

🤫 Repository Secrets

  • GIST_ID: The ID portion from your gist url https://gist.github.com/<github username>/7887b94cbb97a90fe08498c4744bad4b.
  • GH_TOKEN: The GitHub token generated above.
  • TOGGL_API_TOKEN: The API key you got from your Toggl profile above.
  • TOGGL_WORKSPACE_ID: The ID portion from a workspace-specific Toggl url you copied above, e.g. https://toggl.com/app/projects/3295766/list/.

✨ Credits

This code was heavily inspired (with some parts taken over) by @jacc's music-box.

📄 License

toggl-box is licensed under the MIT License