
Makes playlists from web pages and plays them in Playdar

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Playgrub is a bookmarklet that scrapes sites for songs, generates and stores a xspf on playgrub.com, opens the xspf in Playlick and broadcasts the playable URL on Playgrub accounts such as http://twitter.com/playgrub.

User Install
Bookmark top link on http://www.playgrub.com

Bookmarkable Sites
Last.fm - any page with songs
Musicbrainz Releases
Groove Shark Playilsts (export, next step on song list page)

Playlick http://www.playlick.com
Spiffdar http://spiffdar.org

Playgrub is a Google App Engine Python application. If you would like to deploy your own version, sign up to Google App Engine (http://code.google.com/appengine/) and edit the app.yaml file with your settings.