
Amazon Integration

jphastings opened this issue · 1 comments

I love that when you click on a track unresolvable by playdar you get taken to a suitable Amazon MP3 page, is there a way you can add a 'Complete your library' link which would populate an amazon list with all the songs you don't have on your current playlist?

You could also add a referral id to the links used so that the proceeds from any purchases are sent to a charity of your/the user's choosing. The user pays nothing more, they gain nothing less - might as well spread the wealth ne?

I'm thinking selectable 16x16px charity logos on the right hand side of #playgrub-footer, with the currently selected (cookie managed?) logo being brighter than the others. Your favourite is the default but the user can change to one of a selected 6 or so.

This is conditional on there being reputable Amazon Associates representing charities, I haven't found any with quick google searches, yet!

Hmm, section 8 of their ToC (search 'charity') seems quite specific, I'll send an email to Amazon asking them to clarify if you like the idea.