
Author: Toby
Version: 1.0.0


In this project, I build an application that consumes data from a 3rd party API and provides our users with the ability to create stock portfolios. Once I’ve built the basic functionality of the application, I’ll introduce data analysis and visualizations into the application so I can analyze based on historical data!

Getting Started

First, build a virtual environment for python 3.6 and install Flask, and request.
Go to the directory and run

flask run

to activate server. Go to the address showed on screen after server gets activated.


You will need flask, requests, and python 3.6 to run the code.


Right now we are using API from iextrading (
To get company detail info, the format is + {stock name} + /company

Change Log

12/5/18 5pm, first function on. 12/5/18 8pm committed....but stucked on second function. A bit confused /..\