
[1826] Implementation Checklist

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  • Bank size: 12,000
  • Currency format: F%s
  • semi-restrictive tile lays
  • Starting capital: `{ 2: 900, 3:600, 4: 450, 5: 360, 6: 300 }
  • Cert limit: {2 => 28, 3 => 20, 4 => 16, 5 => 13, 6 => 11}
  • Player count: 2 - 6
  • Train roster
  • Tile roster


  • 2H
    • 1 OR
    • Yellow
    • Train limit: 2/4/-
    • No cross-buy trains
    • first offboard price
  • 4H
    • 2 ORs
    • Yellow, Green
    • Train limit: 2/4/-
    • No cross-buy trains
    • first offboard price
  • 6H
    • 2 ORs
    • Yellow, Green
    • Train limit 1/3/-
    • 2H rusts
    • May cross-buy trains
    • Etat Corporation may form
    • first offboard price
  • 10H
    • 3 ORs
    • Yellow, Green, Brown
    • Train limit -/2/3
    • 4H rusts
    • Privates close
    • SNCF Corporation may form
    • second offboard price
  • E
    • 3 ORs
    • Yellow, Green, Brown
    • Train limit -/2/3
    • 6H rusts
    • Special power tokens removed
    • SNCF Corporation may form
    • third offboard price
  • TGV
    • 3 ORs
    • Yellow, Green, Brown, Gray
    • Train limit -/2/3
    • fourth offboard price

Private Companies


  • 2H - Private abilities may be used
  • 6H - Can cross-buy trains, Etat may form
  • 10H - Privates close, SNCF may form
  • E - Special power tokens removed, SNCF may form

Stock Market

  • white zone (as 1830)
  • yellow zone (as 1830)
  • red par prices: 110, 100, 90, 82, 75
  • Stock Movement
    • down one space per share sold or issued.
    • 10 share corps (not 5) move up if all shares are held by players (not treasury), no movement if at top.
    • left if no dividend is paid.
    • right if corp pays out (full or half) an amount equal to or greater than share price, moves right once.
    • no movement if payout is greater than zero but less than share price.
    • left per loan taken.
    • right per loan paid.


  • 6H rusts 2H
  • 10H rusts 4H
  • Quantity of 10H trains is dynamically determined based on # of corps in play after SCNF has opportunity to form. Since this happens on sale of first 10H, i think the easiest way will be to export unneeded 10H at that point. Corps/# of trains: 10/5, 9/4, 8/3, 7(or fewer)/2
  • E rusts 6H
  • E-trains do not include towns in revenue
  • E-trains run for variable value:
    • When first is bought, it runs 2 cities and doubles them
    • When second & third are bought, they all run 3 cities and double them
    • when 4th is bought, they run 4 cities and double them.
    • When the first TGV is bought, all E trains now run 5 cities and do not double them.
  • TGV
    • TGV do not include towns in revenue
    • TGV may reuse track used by other trains
    • TGV runs 3 cities and doubles their value
    • Max one TGV per corp


  • 50% float, incremental cap.
  • Phase 2H: Can only start 5-share companies except for Etat Belge
  • Phase 6H: Can only start 10-share companies, unsold shares in treasury.
  • Phase 10H: Can only start 10-share companies, after 5 shares are sold, remaining shares are issued to the bankpool and corp receives full 10-share capitalization.


  • Destination determination ignores tokens
  • 5-share corp may choose to become 10-share during its OR, upon reaching destination.
  • Upon conversion, remaining 5 shares added to treasury.
  • 10-share corps do not have any destination benefit.
  • On Phase 10H, corps are all considered to have reached their destination immediately.

Initial Auction

  • Waterfall auction
  • if all pass, player with Priority buys P1, or all owned privates pay out.
  • Minimum bid 5 above face
  • Increments of 5
  • only highest bid cash is reserved on each auction. (will need to look into this more)

Stock Round

  • Sell / Buy
  • price drops per share sold
  • Parring
    • Incremental cap if parred before phase 10H, unsold incremental shares in treasury
    • as of phase 10H, corps get full cap on float, unsold shares go to bankpool on float.
    • Prior to phase 6H corps par as 5-share if their home is not yet connected to their destination, 10 share otherwise
    • corps started as 5-share get 3 tokens
    • corps started as 10-share get 4 tokens
    • Phase 6H and later, only 10-share
    • Etat Belge is always 10-share
    • 5 share can use all par prices
    • 50% to float all corps (5-share defaults to 60)
    • token placed on map immediately upon float

Operating Round

  • OR structure is like 1830
  • privates pay dividends
  • 1 lay or upgrade per OR, corp may lay 2 yellow tiles (only yellow) in its first operating turn.
  • Etat and SNCF do not get second yellow tile lay in their first operating turn.
  • tokens are F20 per hex distance from nearest corp token.
  • trains may run to, but not through, Paris (like London in 1822)
  • track may not be laid in the hexes surrounding Paris without consent from the corporation whose home station is adjacent to each hex (like London in 1822)
  • no corporation can lay or upgrade track in Belgium (upper right portion of map) until Etat Belge has operated.

Train Buying

  • may not crossbuy before phase 6H
  • Corporations with loans may only buy trains at or below face value
  • Corporations with loans may only sell trains at or above face value
  • L’Etat and the SNCF can only buy and sell trains at face value
  • EMR
    • Corp must always own a train at the end of its operating turn, regardless of routes.
    • If the corp has insufficient money to buy a train, it must take a F500 loan. If this is still not enough, it may take a second loan. No more than 2 loans may ever be held by a corp.
    • corporation may not issue shares during EMR
    • if loans do not provide enough money, standard EMR applies.
    • presidencies may change hands during EMR, except for the presidency of the corp that is EMR.
  • If the SNCF (ONLY the SNCF) is forced to buy a train, it must issue its Bonds prior to taking out a Loan. Each SNCF Bond is worth F100. Any Bonds issued to pay for a train are placed in the bankpool, where players may buy them, or SNCF can redeem them.
  • SNCF pays bond interest to the bond holder. If in the bankpool, interest is paid to the bank. If bond is player-owned, player receives bond interest from SNCF treasury.


  • All money raised for the corp remains in its treasury
  • all remaining player holdings are placed in the bank pool. The 50% limit on shares in the bank is waived here, as is the restriction against presidencies in the bank pool.
  • if the Etat or SNCF presidencies are sold during a bankruptcy and no one else has at least 2 shares, the corp is closed without compensation, and all tokens are removed from the map. It’s trains are placed in the bank pool.


  • Loans are F500.
  • F50 Interest must be paid each OR after earnings are calculated but before they are paid.
  • if the corporation doesn’t have the full interest in its treasury, the interest is withheld from the dividends directly.
  • if this is still not enough to pay interest, enter EMR as above.
  • share price moves left when loan is taken
  • share price moves right when loan is paid

National Railway Formation

  • Etat
    • possibly formed at phase 6H
    • Forms through merger of at least two trainless corporations after 2H rust
    • All corps (other than Etat Belge) that have operrated at least once and are now trainless merge in
    • No other corps may merge in
    • If only one corp is left trainless, merger does not happen and Etat does not form.
    • If Etat forms, first, all merging corps immediately convert to 10-share corps, with the remaining 5 shares being added to the treasury.
    • Starting with the president of the corp that bought the first 6H and continuing clockwise, holders of shares in merging corps exchange their shares 2 for 1 with shares in the Etat.
    • odd shares are discarded to the pool without compensation
    • First eligible player receives presidency
    • Etat treasury exchanges shares 2:1, discarding odd share if any.
    • the pool exchanges shares 2:1, discarding odd share if any
    • if there are not enough Etat shares to replace all merger shares, leftover shares are discarded without compensation.
    • any remaining unexchanged shares are placed in the Etat treasury
    • Etat starting price is the average price of the two most valuable corps merged in, rounded down to the nearest value on the top row of the market, to a minimum price of F82.
    • Share price is moved left once for each loan inherited by the Etat.
    • all home tokens on map are exchanged with Etat tokens
    • Etat may choose to keep up to one additional map token from each corp
    • Etat may have multiple tokens in Paris, only one in other cities
    • Etat receives all money and special abilities from merging corps
    • Etat receives an additional 3 tokens
    • Merged in corps are removed from play
    • Etat operates as long as at least 5 shares are out of its treasury
    • Etat operates this OR, as long as none of the merging corps have operated yet. Otherwise it will operate in the following OR.
  • SNCF
    • All rules are the same as formation of Etat, except as follows:
    • SNCF can form immediately after sale of first 10H and again after sale of first E
    • If not formed after sale of first E, SNCF does not form
    • Again, SNCF is formed if 2 or more corporations which have operated at least once are left trainless after rusting event.
    • Again, Etat Belge cannot merge in (but apparently Etat can, rules aren’t clear)
    • minimum price will be F110, rather than 82.
    • after replacing all home tokens, SNCF may replace up to two tokens per corporation.

Game End

  • Ends after current set when the bank runs out
  • Game ends immediately if all but one player bankrupt