Skeleton Java app

A skeleton Java web app with no web framework.

Create Your Own Fork

Fork this project to create a repo under your own GitHub account, so that you can commit and push to it. Then clone the code from your fork onto your machine.

Install Dependencies

Make sure you have a JDK and a Java IDE installed. The skeleton web app is configured as a Maven project, so if you import it in to an IDE (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA) as a Maven project then it should download any dependencies as necessary.

Running Locally

If you open the project in an IDE, you should find a class called WebServer which has a main method. If you run this main method then the web server should start up on your local machine.

Your app should now be running on http://localhost:5000.

Now try the following request in your browser: http://localhost:5000/api?q=Who%20wrote%20Romeo%20and%20Juliet? This should call the code in

Run the unit tests

The skeleton app comes with a small set of unit tests (see the file QueryProcessorTest), which you can add to as you add functionality. Run the tests using jUnit in your IDE, or from the terminal using Maven.

$ cd skeleton-java-app
$ mvn test

Enabling Travis CI

Just Add Respository on the left, find your new repository a click the slider to enable.

Link Heroku

  1. Add generated Heroku Git remote to your local Git repository

    This is adding a Git remote to your local repository so that you can run git push heroku master to deploy it manually.

    Running the following on its own doesn't work (as you won't have credentials setup)

    git remote add heroku

    Use the Heroku CLI instead which asks for your credentials and logs you in somehow (as well as adding the remote above)

    heroku git:remote -a robbie-spike-horse-bucket

    Test at

  2. Deploy automatically on push

    1. Run heroku auth:token to generate an Heroku authorisation token.
    2. You would encrypt this value with the travis command but if you don't have the Travis CLI installed, use this site (use something like tobyweston/skeleton-java-app for the repository field)
    3. Create a deploy section to your travis.yml (see the Travis docs)
    4. Add the encrypted value to the deply section of your travis.yml.
    5. Make a change and push, check the travis log to see if it deploys.

NB. You will likely need to add the app value if your Github repo's name doesn't match the Heroku app.

You're travis.yml should look something like this.

language: java
- openjdk8
script: mvn clean verify

  provider: heroku
    secure: EPYf4T4U9WfJzHi4/CVp4Eom3PXark9x5fbQ23DGw/bjGxpnqMbqv8=
  app: robbie-spike-horse-bucket