
where is cedargrove_punkconsole

gmeader opened this issue · 4 comments

Where can I find cedargrove_punkconsole, that is imported in autopunkconsole/

Hi Glenn!
You can get cedargrove_punkconsole from the CircuitPython Community Bundle, either by downloading the bundle zip and pulling the library out or by using circup with circup install cedargrove_punkconsole. Or you can get it from CedarGrove's repo.

Thanks. Having fun with macropadsynth plug!
I'm wondering if I can change things so that the audio out jack could be a MIDI out jack?
Can I do that just in software?
-- so I could make a program that records MIDI and plays MIDI.

@gmeader you can, todbot assisted me with this recently. Use a QT to UART cable and wire up your midi input/output and access it in code:

uart = busio.UART(tx=board.SDA, rx=board.SCL, baudrate=31250, timeout=0.001)
midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_in=uart, midi_out=uart, debug=False)

Just to clarify, the MacroPad RP2040's StemmaQT port can do MIDI in/out, but the MacroPadSynthPlug can only do MIDI in and audio out.