
Problem when compile less ccs todc-bootstrap.less

jeffdev62 opened this issue · 2 comments


Impossible to compile less css, todc-bootstrap.less

bootstrap\less\mixins.less is not in the source

Compiler Errors
'todc-bootstrap-master\bootstrap\less\mixins.less' wasn't found. (Line: 3)
Filename: todc-bootstrap-master\less\todc-bootstrap.less

I compile todc-bootstrap almost everyday without issue.

Did you clone the master branch of todc-bootstrap or one of the released tags? Did you run the grunt checkout-bootstrap task? If you are using the master branch you will need to change the bootstrapVersion in Gruntfile.js to the latest release of bootstrap, 3.0.3. Or you can manually clone bootstrap to a sub-directory of the directory you cloned todc-bootstrap to. The bootstrap directory must be named bootstrap.

Unless you are making changes to the source Less, you can use the pre-compiled CSS

ok, problem solved